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世界上最大墓地 1400年埋葬500万人


It is already the world's biggest cemetery, the final resting resting place of some five million souls but it's growing all the time.

With gravestones stretching out as far as the eye can see, Wadi Al-Salaam, which translates as Valley of Peace, is an ancient Islamic cemetery near the holy city Shiite city of Najaf.
Wadi Al-Salaam意为“和平谷”,是位于什叶派圣地纳贾夫附近的一座古老的伊斯兰墓地,这里的墓碑绵延不绝,一眼看不到边际。

世界上最大墓地 1400年埋葬500万人

The site is located close to the shrine of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, the first Shia Imam and fourth Caliph and as a result nearly all Iraq's Shi'a muslim population request to be buried there.

An estimated 500,000 additional bodies are buried at Wadi Al-Salaam every year, however in recent weeks the figure has been even higher due to victims of the country's bitter civil war.