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天有不测风云 气候变化对企业有何风险

Energy, materials, industrial and utility companies have the highest direct carbon intensity and therefore the largest regulatory exposure to emissions compliance schemes.

But the property and financial services sectors are also exposed to climate risk due to the life cycle of buildings and the nature of their long-term investments. All sectors, in fact, are affected in varying degrees, to climate and carbon risks.

Conventional financial analysis of carbon risk overlooks the “shadow liability” caused by potential carbon price liabilities from indirect exposures across the value chain.

This shadow liability is hard to analyze, as data is patchy and valuation methods vary. Inconsistent disclosure requirements around the world do not help either.

In the U.S., the SEC requires firms that file annual reports to communicate material climate change risks. In April, the European Parliament approved new rules that will require large listed firms to publish environment and social data in their reporting to investors. But this falls far short of a comprehensive and coordinated disclosure regime for companies’ overall exposure to carbon and climate risk.

Investors, meanwhile, are not standing still. They are starting to conduct their own analysis of indirect carbon price risk and its impact on corporate investment returns and credit quality.

Independent analysts who serve them are doing the same. S&P, for instance, is seeking to assess the effects of carbon price risk on a company’s creditworthiness by considering the direct and indirect impact of profitability, asset and liability valuation, and cash flow. Organizations like the international Carbon Disclosure Project are surveying companies about their environmental exposures and scoring them accordingly.
服务于投资者的独立分析师也正在从事这类分析。比如,标准普尔公司正在估算盈利能力,资产及负债估值和现金流遭受的直接和间接影响,以评估碳价格风险对公司信誉的影响。像碳信息披露项目(Carbon Disclosure Project)这类国际组织正在调查公司面临的环境风险,并给予它们相应的评分。

Some large companies are responding. Exxon Mobil recently became the first oil and gas producer to publish details of its climate risk exposure from stranded assets (reserves that it could not exploit if regulation is tightened). But most businesses are yet to accept that climate and carbon risks are ever more material to corporate performance and value.
一些大公司正在作出回应。埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)最近成为第一家详尽发布其搁浅资产(即如果调控收紧,该公司就不能开采的资产储量)气候风险信息的石油和天然气生产商。但大多数企业尚未接受气候和碳风险对企业绩效和价值的影响将日益加大这个事实。

Business leaders should acknowledge that climate risk and carbon liabilities are here to stay and, in all probability, set to grow. If they cannot demonstrate effective assessment and management of these short-term and long-term liabilities, their creditworthiness may suffer and their financing costs will rise.

Capital markets participants traditionally have short term horizons. But environmental change is a long-term issue that they cannot ignore. Over time, it will play an increasing role in determining both financial risk and return.

Neeraj Sahai is president of Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services.
本文作者Neeraj Sahai是标准普尔评级服务公司总裁。