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办公室有人哭了 同事们该如何应对


We all know the workplace isn’t the best place to cry. But sometimes it just happens. Your anger or frustration boils over into tears. Or perhaps a co-worker bursts in and sobs at your desk.


Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end of unexpected waterworks, how do you handle this situation?

Why people cry at work

办公室有人哭了 同事们该如何应对

First, let’s address why people might cry in the office. Sometimes a heated argument or conflict will push one party to the point of tears, from anger or frustration. Or the sobs could come as a welcome release of tension from stress or feeling powerless. Maybe you’re simply sad because of a personal struggle or a loss in your life.

Often, the tears bubble to the surface because someone gives a sympathetic look or ear. That’s what happened to Dan Binstock, a partner at attorney search firm Garrison & Sisson in Washington D.C. A lawyer whom Binstock had recruited to a new job came into the office after giving notice to his current partners and being subjected to a guilt trip for leaving them. In just a few minutes, the man started crying.
有时候,我们会因为别人颇具同情心的表情或倾听而忍不住流下泪水。华盛顿特区律师猎头公司Garrison & Sisson的合伙人丹o宾斯托克就曾遇到过这种情况。宾斯托克为一个新工作岗位招聘的律师来到他的办公室。这位律师此前刚刚通知现在律所的合伙人他要离开,并为此深感内疚。不一会儿,那个人便哭了起来。

“I could tell he had been through the wringer,” Binstock recalls. “It was that feeling of disappointing everyone and how they were manipulating him. It wore him out at a time when he was already extremely sensitive and had a lot of stress from moving his practice.”

Some years ago, Laurin Blumenthal Kleiman, global co-head of Sidley Austin’s investment management practice, received the unwelcome news that her middle son’s school wouldn’t offer him a place in the fall. Her son’s special needs had made finding the right educational fit a challenge in the first place, and it was a time of year when it was too late to find another school placement easily. “He was being tossed from the one environment where we thought he could succeed and there was no alternative,” Kleiman recalls.
几年前,盛德国际律师事务所(Sidley Austin)投资管理业务部的全球联席主管劳林o布鲁门塔尔o克莱曼,收到一个糟糕的通知:她第二个儿子就读的学校拒绝在秋天继续给他提供上学机会。儿子的特殊需求让她很难找到合适的学校,而且当时再去找其他学校已经为时已晚。克莱曼回忆道:“我们本来认为他会在那里取得成功,根本没有备选方案,结果却被抛弃。”

She approached her boss to ask for time away from work so she could manage the school search and mandatory meetings. “He looked so concerned that I just started weeping,” she says.