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学生3D打印义肢 残疾男孩重拾笑容


Graduate students have used a 3D printer to make a limb for a six-year-old boy born without a right arm.

Alex Pring, from Groveland, Florida, was given the new prosthetic arm on Friday by a team headed by University of Central Florida student Albert Manero.
男孩名叫Alex Pring,住在佛罗里达州格罗夫兰市。一个由中佛罗里达大学学生Albert Manero领导的小组为他制造了这个义肢。

The limb took seven weeks for the team to build in their free time and cost $350 - compared to the $40,000 that doctors told Alex's family a prosthetic arm would cost. After the little boy put on the arm, which senses muscles in his shoulder and opens and closes, he grinned and gave his mother a hug - the first time he had been able to put two arms around her.

学生3D打印义肢 残疾男孩重拾笑容

'I feel good,' Alex told reporters. 'I feel everything good, even my robot arm. It's not even heavy.'

Because Alex had been born without an arm, the insurance company wouldn't cover the costs of prosthetic arms.

The costs are so steep for childhood prosthetics because of their quick rate of growth and the need to always be replacing the limbs.

Manero was driving his car when he heard a story on the radio about a man in South Africa who used a 3D printer to make a new hand.

'I was really inspired,' he said. 'When I got back, I talked to my colleagues and friends and said, "We can do this".'

The team - including friends who study electrical, mechanical and civil engineering - got to work on the arm, which is activated by the electromyography muscle energy on Alex's bicep, UCFToday reported.

Manero, a Fulbright Scholar, heads to Germany in August to work for the German Aerospace Center, but he has already promised to help another family with an arm, so he'll remain committed to the project even when he's abroad.

'I think 3D printing is revolutionizing our world in many ways,' he said. 'I believe changing the world of prosthetics is very real. There's no reason why this approach shouldn’t work on adults too.'