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中枪了没? 调查称9大人群爱出轨

5. Twitter Users

Shocker: social media can be harmful your romantic relationship! While this isn't too surprising, research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet cheat. The more often a person uses Twitter, the more often they have relationship conflicts, like affairs. #TimeToCloseTheLaptop

6. Female Teachers

What professions are more likely to stray? According to a AshleyMadison.com survey of its users, the typical cheating wife is likely to be a teacher. Someone's gotta teach these ladies a lesson — just don't call tech support ...

7. Shopaholics

AshleyMadison also revealed that their typical, adulterous female user is a serious shopper. More than a third of the women surveyed said they spend more on their appearance since they started cheating. And, 27 percent have a secret credit card to fund their purchases. The preferred brand of the unfaithful? Banana Republic.

8. Guys Who Work In IT

Don't be fooled by their soft hoodies, hipster glasses and patience when it comes to restoring your iPhone (you really should start backing up!) — these guys are sneaky, cheating hubbies, according to the same AshleyMadison survey that revealed unfaithful wives are often teachers.

9. Guys Named Wayne

An easy giveaway he's sleeping with someone else? His name. A study of 2,000 women found Wayne ranked as the least trustworthy name in love.

As for Lil Wayne, his real name is Dwayne, so we're not sure where that stands on the adultery scale. Does the D negate anything? For now, try not to date Lil Wayne. We'll update you when science gets back to us.
至于Lil Wayne(李尔·韦恩—美国的一名饶舌歌手),他真名其实是Dwayne(杜韦恩),那他容易出轨么?这就不确定了。也许名字前加一个D(杜)可以改变一切?不过至少目前,还是先不要考虑和他约会啦。等科学研究有了结果,我们会告诉你他到底是否容易出轨哒!