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10个奇葩小国 你都听说过吗?

6. The Kingdom of Talossa

The Kingdom of Talossa, founded in 1979 by a 14-year-old boy named Robert Madison in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This micronation had the first national Webpage (in November 1995!) and it has an Anthem titled Stand Tall Talossans. Now it has a king named John I, and the current population is 222. A group of dissidents left the Kingdom, and created the Republic of Talossa in 2004, but they returned two years ago.
这个微型小国在1995年11月有了第一个国家网站,它的国歌叫做《Stand Tall Talossans》。现在它的国王叫做乔治一世,拥有居民222人。一群拥有不同政治意见的人曾离开该国并2004年创建了塔罗萨共和国,但两年前他们又回到了该国。

The nation has some wild territorial claims — stretching from part of Milwaukee to an uninhabited French island and a large part of Antarctica.

7. The Republic of Kugelmugel

The Republic of Kugelmugel, a spherical house in Vienna Prater, Vienna, Austria, designed by Edwin Lipburger. The micronation declared independence 30 years ago after some arguments between the artist and Austrian authorities due to lack of building permits.

8. Aerican Empire
8. 艾瑞克帝国

Aerican Empire, founded in May 1987 by Eric Lis, without any territory of its own, but its few hundred members (about 400 in 2009, 233 in July 2013) started to claim sovereignty over some disconnected territories: a house-sized area in Montreal, Canada, a colony of Mars, an imaginary planet, the northern hemisphere of Pluto, an island in the middle of a lake in New Zealand, and a square kilometer of land in Australia, among others.

9. The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, founded as a symbolic political protest by a group of gay rights activists, led by Dale Anderson in 2004, on Coral Sea Islands, Queensland, Australia.

10. Filettino

Filettino, a small village about 40 miles (70 km) east of Rome, Italy, with a population of 577, became an "independent state" in 2011, when the Italian government announced that all villages with under 1,000 inhabitants must merge with nearby ones, to save money.