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Listening to football, noisy restaurants and our favourite tunes on the radio have helped create the perfect shopping music.

These are some of the top things that help us make better shopping decisions, according to new research conducted by eBay and Goldsmiths University.

In contrast crying babies, air conditioners and traffic noise leads us to make bad shopping decisions.

Consumer behaviour expert Patrick Fagan, at Goldsmiths University, said: “Any wine store owner will tell you that playing French music increases sales of French wine, but there is almost no research looking at this phenomenon online. This study has shown us some of the surprising ways that sound can help us make better purchasing decisions when we shop online, and some of the sounds we should avoid.”

Auction site eBay has launched the Sound of Shopping track to celebrate its 15th anniversary.


The piece of music uses sounds scientifically proven to help people make better shopping decisions.

According to the research, pop music on the radio make people feel so good that they are more likely to spend without getting "suckered" into bad deals.

Less than a third (30.1%) made a bad purchasing decision while listening to pop music.

It revealed that classical music makes people overate a product’s quality by 5%.

Surprisingly, listening to the football commentary while online has led to four out of five people making a rational shopping decision along with listening to news about the economy.

We are more likely to part with our money while listening to the buzz of a restaurant because we associate the sound with "quality", it revealed.

It discovered babies crying and traffic put people in bad moods skewing how they assess value and quality and hearing birds singing and lawnmowers leads us to splashing cash on our gardens.

The sound of air conditioners and silence also affected shoppers judgements.

Academics explored how all these sounds affected the purchases by almost 2,000 online shoppers as part of the research.