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美国科学研究表明 相貌好的人不容易生病

Unattractive men also tend to have fewer children, and unattractive men and women are 4 per cent more likely to have no one with whom to discuss their problems.

Economist Dr Nils Braakmann, who led the study, said: ‘Ratings of physical attractiveness at age 11 influence health at age 50, even when considering a large variety of childhood conditions, with unattractive people generally faring worse.

‘These results imply that individuals who are unattractive at an early age experience large welfare losses due to the way they’re treated by others.’

The fact that we rate certain features as more attractive may be driven by evolution — increasing the likelihood of having offspring.

For instance, long legs in women could be a visual clue of fitness for childbirth, with research at Gdansk University in Poland suggesting that taller women have wider pelvises, allowing easier births and larger birth-weight babies.

But Dr Viren Swami, reader in psychology at the University of Westminster, suggests there may be other, non-evolutionary explanations for links between health and beauty.

‘People think that “what is beautiful is good”, and we call this a halo effect,’ he says.

‘Attractive people are perceived as having all kinds of wonderful, positive qualities, and seen as being happier, more popular, more successful, and so on.

‘We also treat them more positively than less attractive people.

'We give them more social space [e.g., more time and understanding to achieve a task] and we are more likely to help them.

'This being the case, it’s quite possible that the health benefits of being attractive are the result of this better treatment.

‘For example, attractive people are more likely to be hired, less likely to be fired, and receive a higher starting wage, so it’s possible that any health benefit is the result of their better occupational outcomes.

‘Or, conversely, less attractive people may be less likely to use health-care services because they are concerned about being judged or stigmatised, as in the case of overweight or obese individuals, which obviously has a detrimental effect on their health.

‘So, the health benefit may be an indirect outcome of better treatment in societies that value attractiveness.

'I’m not suggesting the evolutionary perspective is incorrect, only that it’s not the full explanation.’