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'When you are 60 years old, who would support you?' the silver-haired Mr. Gu said to an audience of about 400 students, researchers and journalists last week.

Results of the most recent census in 2010 showed that China's fertility rates, or the number of births per 1,000 women, was 1.18. Large cities and Beijing and Shanghai were even lower, at around 0.7.

As China's urbanization rate increases, with more farmers moving into the city, the fertility rate will drop further due to higher living costs, said Liang Jianzhang, a professor at Peking University.

To make it worse, China is seeing a rising number of 'leftover women,' or middle-aged urban Chinese women who cannot find their Mr. Right--and unlike single women in developed nations, unmarried Chinese woman are not willing to have children, said Mr. Liang, who's also the founder and chairman of Ctrip.com, Chinese online travel company.

'However you look at it, [the outlook of] China's fertility rate seems more pessimistic than a lot of other countries,' he said, adding that in 10 to 20 years, China's population will be greying at a pace even faster than that of a decade ago in Japan, where the elderly currently make up 25% of all residents. An aging population has partly contributed to the 'lost decade' of the Japanese economy, economists have said.

But others at the forum disputed the notion that China should be encouraging a new baby boom.

'Sounds like we are returning to Chairman Mao's line of thinking...I think we must not make that kind of mistake,' said Chen Zhiwu, a Yale University professor.

Mr. Huang, however, said that even if the government completely scraps the one-child policy, the country's fertility rate still won't be 'normal,' and will instead continue to stay low.

'It would be disastrous for China,' he said. 'No doubt about that.'