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利比亚飞机失窃 911式恐袭或再上演


 Islamist militants are thought to have stolen 11 commercial jets in Libya, sparking fears of a 9/11-style attack around the anniversary of the terrorist atrocity


The planes went missing from Tripoli airport in August after Libyan Dawn rebels took over the county's capital. It is advanced noticed in the last two weeks of the possibility that one of more jetliners may be used in an attack around the 13th anniversary of September 11, or the second anniversary of the deadly attack on America's diplomatic compound in Benghazi. 


利比亚飞机失窃 911式恐袭或再上演

One official told the paper: "There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing. We found out on September 11 what can happen to hijacked planes." Reports of the missing planes are yet to be officially confirmed, but intelligence agencies are said to be trying to locate all planes owned by Libya's.


A Moroccan military expert said the missing jets were being held by a group called the Masked Men Brigade who are thought to have links to al Qaeda and terrorist organization Ansar al Sharia. He said the threat of an attack spread from Cairo to Lagos and claimed the Masked Men Brigade "is plotting to use the planes in attacks on a Maghreb state" on the anniversary of 9/11.


Counter-terrorism expert Sebastian added that the planes could either be used as a "super-high precision guided missile", as they were on September 11 2001, or to bring in a large number of armed terrorists to locations open to commercial airlines. Tripoli airport has been closed since mid-July, and the Libyan government said over the weekend that it no longer has control of the capital.
