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It's like the opening gambit of a bad Hollywood romance. A Brazilian town populated only by women has made an appeal for eligible bachelors.

More than 600 women live in the town of Noiva do Cordeiro, south-east Brazil. And most of them are aged between 20 and 35 years old.

Now they have extended an invitation to potential suitors. But don't start packing your bags just yet - any men who go have to understand that this corner of the Brazilian countryside is very much a woman's world.


Some of Noiva de Cordeiro's women are already married and have families, but their husbands - and any sons over 18 - are made to work away from home and only allowed to return at the weekends.

It means girl power rules in the rural community, with women in charge of every aspect of life - from farming to town planning and even religion.

And residents say their town is that much the better for it.

But while none of the residents of Noiva do Cordeiro would have it any other way, it has left them with just one problem.

Nelma Fernandes, 23, admits it's impossible for her neighbours - renowned in the region as strikingly beautiful - to find a would-be spouse.

The lack of eligible batchelors has now led the community's many single young ladies for make an appeal for interested men - but only those willing to adapt to living in a women's world.

In 1940, an evangelical pastor, Anisio Pereira, took one of the women, aged 16, to be his wife and founded a church in the growing community.

However, he proceeded to impose strict puritanical rules, banning them from drinking alcohol, listening to music or cutting their hair.

When Anisio died in 1995, the women decided never again to let a man dictate how they should live. And one of the first things they did was to dismantle the male-biased organised religion he had set up.