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奇葩概念建筑 悬崖边的海景房


The concept home, which seems to almost propel off the overhang, makes the property look as if it is an extension of the landscape. On their website, the architects say that their aim is to create 'an absolute connection with the ocean.'

The five-storey home will be made from prefab modules which are arranged in a vertical floor plan.

Each ‘room’ or floor will then be stacked atop the other and held in place with engineered steel pins which are driven into the cliff face.

奇葩概念建筑 悬崖边的海景房

Residents will enter the property from the cliff top at floor level and will use an elevator or stairs to descend to the bedroom, living area and kitchen.

The lowest floor of the concept home will comprise an outdoor space which seemingly floats about the water and a stunning – if rather scary – view of the ocean awaits.

The distinctive design solution came about after Modscape Concept were asked by a couple to create a property on Australia’s southwest coast, where they owned some land.
Modscape Concept建筑公司向希望在澳大利亚西南海岸建造住宅的一对居住在该处并拥有该处一些土地的夫妻提出了这个独特的设计方案。