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The county adopted policies dispersing public housing so that many of the tenants, who were 72 percent black and 16 percent Hispanic, were housed in middle-class, largely white apartment complexes.

This allowed Schwartz to measure the performance of children from public housing who attended schools with large numbers of well-off white students, against the performance of those who attended schools with largely minority populations and much higher poverty rates.

The results are striking. The low-income minority children from public housing all started with similar math scores. But after seven years, those who went to schools where fewer than 20 percent of their classmates were poor shot ahead of those who went to schools where 20 to 80 percent of their classmates were poor. This difference in trajectories is shown in Figure 1, in which the green line tracks math scores for poor children (defined as those receiving “free and reduced-priced meals” – a.k.a. FARM recipients) in relatively affluent schools, and the red line tracks math scores for poor children attending schools with much higher percentages of fellow students receiving FARM assistance.

Perhaps the most important factors in the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage are the long-term effects on infants of living in extreme poverty.

A study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2011, “The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress,” shows that “early experiences and environmental influences can leave a lasting signature on the genetic predispositions that affect emerging brain architecture and long-term health.” The pediatric study links “early adversity to later impairments in learning, behavior, and both physical and mental well-being.”
美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)2011年发表了一篇研究论文,题为《婴幼儿时期逆境与有害压力的终生影响》(The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress)。文中显示,“早期经历和环境影响可在遗传倾向方面留下持久痕迹,从而影响正在成型的大脑构造和长期健康。”这项儿科研究认为,“早期逆境与后来在学习、行为及身心健康上的缺陷有关。”

Early childhood stress affects the “developing architecture of the brain” in ways “that create a weak foundation for later learning, behavior and health.”

Looked at this way, the M.T.O. findings — that participants who were given vouchers for housing in low-poverty neighborhoods made no gains in employment and wage equality compared with those left behind in public housing and that their children showed no improvement in school performance — do not seem surprising.

For one thing, participants appear to have been given little or no support other than modest housing counseling. But the issue is deeper than that: Multigenerational poverty is self-evidently more than a question of housing. It is unlikely to yield to even the best-intentioned one-dimensional approach.

Multifactorial approaches may be more productive. Recent papers such as “The Legacy of Disadvantage: Multigenerational Neighborhood Effects on Cognitive Ability” and “Neighborhood Effects in Temporal Perspective: The Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Concentrated Disadvantage on High School Graduation” are part of a continuing research agenda looking more profoundly into the causes of the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage.
综合多种措施可能会更加有效。为弱势群体境况代代相传的现象,寻找更加深层的原因,这是一个持续进行的研究议程。最近的一些论文,比如《弱势处境的传承:居住多代的社区对认知能力的影响》 (The Legacy of Disadvantage: Multigenerational Neighborhood Effects on Cognitive Ability)和《从时间角度看居民区效应:长期处于弱势境地对高中毕业状况的影响》 (Neighborhood Effects in Temporal Perspective: The Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Concentrated Disadvantage on High School Graduation),都属于这个进程的一部分。

The criticism of the M.T.O. study (which is now complete) points to new avenues for exploration. Even though the interpretation of the results of the housing voucher program has become contentious and somewhat politicized, the debate itself has the potential to be constructive.

Significant change is possible, but more resources and more sophisticated research design will be a necessary next step.

Lines of possible future inquiry include evidence-based evaluations of total-immersion school systems like the KIPP program and a better understanding of the effects of poverty on brain development. Perhaps most importantly, in the debate over “neighborhoods or schools,” would be a concentrated focus on reducing racial and ethnic discrepancies in test scores, according to the economists Roland Fryer Jr. of Harvard and Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago. Fryer and Levitt argue that the elimination of “the test score gap that arises by the end of junior high school may be a critical component of reducing racial wage inequality.”
未来可能要做的事情,包括对“知识就是力量”计划(KIPP)等完全沉浸式学校系统进行以证据为基础的评估,以及更好地了解贫穷对大脑发育的影响。也许最重要的是,在“社区或学校”的讨论中,把侧重点放在缩小不同族裔的考分差异上,哈佛大学经济学家小罗兰·弗赖尔(Roland Fryer Jr.)和芝加哥大学经济学家史蒂芬·莱维特(Steven Levitt)说。两人认为,在初中结束前消除考分差距,“可能会是减少种族工资不平等过程的一个重要组成部分。”

The two authors write, “we demonstrate that in stark contrast to earlier studies, the black-white test score gap among incoming kindergartners disappears when we control for a small number of covariates.” They add, “There is suggestive evidence that differences in school quality may be an important part of the explanation. None of the other hypotheses we test to explain why blacks are losing ground receive any empirical backing.”

We have to figure out a better way to approach intervention, whether it’s education-based or neighborhood-based or both. Otherwise how can we interrupt the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage we are only beginning to understand?