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How should men approach women?

There's a huge difference between harassing a woman on the street with catcalls and actually trying to have a conversation with her. In case you fellas do want to speak with a woman, her are a few rules:

1. Speak "to" her, not "at" her.

Whistles, shouts, hoots, hollers, kissing and animal sounds may help you hail a cab, but if you do it to a woman you don't know, it's harassment.

2. Start a conversation "with" her, not "about" her.

Talk about the weather, the day, the book she's reading, because then it is a conversation. Do not talk about her hair, her smile, her outfit, her legs, her booty or her appearance, because that's harassment.

3. If she walks away do not follow her.

If she ignores you, drops eye contact or keeps walking -- just leave her alone. If you start following her, you aren't complimenting her, you are stalking her.

At the end of the day, if you want to connect with a woman, all you need to do is smile. There's no need to say anything. That's all it takes. Look her in the eyes and smile. She'll likely smile back. That's it. If she wants to say hello, I'm sure she will. If she doesn't, just let her be.

And speaking of eye contact, look at her eyes, because when you stare at her chest, her butt, her private area or do the top-to-bottom scan, it makes her feel extremely uncomfortable. Women walking on a sidewalk are not walking on a catwalk, and you're not a judge on America's Top Model, so stop acting like one.