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6. Manage Your Time Effectively
6. 恰当管理时间

Your ability to complete projects in a timely manner will help you make a good impression on your boss. You should demonstrate that you know how to manage your time effectively by handing in projects when, or even before, your deadline.

7. Dress Appropriately
7. 着装得体

Make a good impression at work by wearing the right clothes. You should dress the right way for the "role you are playing." If you aspire to be a leader at work, dress like one.

8. Avoid Offending Your Co-Workers
8. 避免冒犯同事

Make a good impression or avoid making a bad one by not doing things that offend your co-workers. Always show respect towards your co-workers. The last thing a boss wants brought to his attention are the uncivil actions of one of his employees.

9. Represent Your Company Well at Business Meetings
9. 在商务会议中保持良好的公司形象

When you represent your employer at a business meeting making a good impression on other attendees will in turn help you make a good impression on your boss. Dress appropriately, network on your employer's behalf, and bring back information.