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Researchers at a Silicon Valley security company said on Wednesday that they had found a new manner in which hackers can infect Apple products.
周三,硅谷(Silicon Valley)一家安全公司的研究人员表示,他们发现了一种黑客攻击苹果(Apple)产品的新方式。

The company, Palo Alto Networks, reported that it had uncovered a malware campaign called WireLurker targeting Apple mobile and desktop users and said it was “the biggest in scale we have ever seen.”
帕洛阿尔托网络公司(Palo Alto Network)报告称,该公司发现了一种名为WireLurker的针对苹果移动设备及台式电脑的恶意软件,并称“这是我们见过的规模最大的恶意软件”。

Though the malware — malicious software designed to cause damage or steal information — is aimed at users in China and can be avoided, the campaign demonstrates new ways that attackers are targeting Apple iOS mobile devices.


The security company, based in Santa Clara, Calif., said that WireLurker had infected more than 400 applications designed for Apple’s Mac OS X operating system through the Maiyadi App Store, a third-party Mac application store in China. In the last six months, Palo Alto Networks said 467 infected applications were downloaded over 356,104 times and “may have impacted hundreds of thousands of users.”
这家位于加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉的安全公司表示,WireLurker已经通过麦芽地应用商店——中国的第三方Mac应用商店——感染了400多个适用于苹果Mac OS X操作系统的应用。该公司称,在过去六个月中,467个被感染的应用已被下载了356104次,“可能已经影响了数十万用户。”

The company said users’ iOS devices could also become infected if they connected their mobile device to their Macs through a USB wire. “WireLurker monitors any iOS device connected via USB with an infected OS X computer and installs downloaded third-party applications or automatically generated malicious applications onto the device, regardless of whether it is jailbroken,” Palo Alto Networks security researchers said. “This is the reason we call it ‘wire lurker.’”
该公司称,用户如果通过USB连接线将移动设备与Mac电脑连接,用户的iOS设备也会受到感染。“任何iOS设备只要通过USB连接到受感染的OS X电脑,并安装下载的第三方应用程序,或自动在设备上产生恶意应用程序,都会被WireLurker监控,不管设备是否已经越狱,”该公司安全研究人员说。“因此我们称之为‘wire lurker’(连接线中的潜藏者)。”

Typically, iOS users can download applications from third parties only if they have “jailbroken” their phones, or altered them to run software Apple has not authorized. With WireLurker, an infected application can reach a non-jailbroken phone from an infected Mac OS X system, which is why Palo Alto Network researchers say WireLurker represents a “new brand of threat to all iOS devices.”
iOS用户通常只有将手机“越狱”——改变手机以运行未经苹果授权的软件,才能从第三方下载应用。被Wirelurker感染的应用能够通过受感染的Mac OS X系统侵袭尚未破解的手机,因此帕洛阿尔托网络公司的研究人员称,Wirelurker代表一种“针对所有iOS设备的新威胁”。

Researchers say that once WireLurker is installed on a Mac, the malware listens for a USB connection to an iOS device and immediately infects it. Once infected, WireLurker’s creators can steal a victim’s address book, read iMessage text messages and regularly request updates from attackers’ command-and-control server. Though the creator’s ultimate goal is not yet clear, researchers say the malware is actively being updated.