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手机超过钱包现金 跃居小偷首要目标


Mobile phones have overtaken purses and wallets as the top target for muggers, new crime figures have revealed.


The Crime Survey for England and Wales said cash and wallets had ‘consistently been targets for thieves’ but the soaring cost of mobile phones had made them the number one target.


New analysis of the figures, released by the Office for National Statistics this morning, found gadgets like iPhones are stolen in more than half of all muggings.

28日上午英国国家统计局(the Office forNational Statistics)新出台对犯罪的分析称,在所有偷盗案中,像iphone这种电子设备被偷窃占了一半以上。

手机超过钱包现金 跃居小偷首要目标

The crime survey said the increasing cost of smartphones was making them ‘appealing targets for thieves’.


Today’s report states: ‘As more people carry valuable electronic gadgets, these too have become desirable targets.


‘About half of theft from the person incidents involved the theft of a mobile phone, where previously cash and wallets/purses were most commonly stolen in this type of crime.’


Sat Navs meanwhile have replaced radios and CDs as the top target in car crime, according to this morning’s official figures.

同时,在入车盗窃案中,Sat Navs(车载卫星导航系统)已经取代车载收音机和CD成为小偷首要目标。

The report said: ‘Theft of electrical equipment such as satellite navigation systems occurs in about one fifth of incidents of theft from vehicles – a much higher proportion than ten years ago when more common targets for thieves were car radios and CDs.’


Computers and jewellery are the most commonly-stolen items in domestic burglaries.


Laptops, tablets and other home computers were stolen in nearly two fifths of domestic burglaries.


It said: ‘The targeting of high value items was clear in domestic burglary in a dwelling where, after purses, wallets or money, the most commonly stolen items were computers and jewellery.’


According to the 2013/14 CSEW items such as CDs and DVDs were stolen in just one in twenty domestic burglary incidents compared with around one in five a decade ago.


Overall, younger people were more likely to be victims of burglaries and muggings. The unemployed, meanwhile, were more than twice as likely to be burgled as people in work.
