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5. Be random, but not predictable.
5. 要随机行事,不要事事都被他人预见

Take a different route through the halls, stop by a new employee’s desk every morning to chit-chat, wear an outlandish tie every day, or declare Tuxedo T-shirt Tuesdays. You get the idea. The point is that surprises keep people interested and morale high, not to mention breed a culture of creativity where it’s OK to try new things and use failure as a learning tool.

6. Be candid, but not rude.
6. 要坦率,不要粗鲁

From a leadership perspective, one thing should always be clear: where you stand with your employees. If people claim that unexpected changes always arise, then you, as a leader, are not doing an effective job in openly communicating your intent, goals and guidance.

7. Be trusting, but not gullible.
7. 要信任,但不轻信

It has been said that the best way to build trust is to extend it, which is fine as long as the other person is ready to receive. A willingness to trust can be just as valuable as trust itself.

However, realize that as a leader, everybody wants a piece of your time and not always with the best intentions. Some people just like to be “seen” with the leader. Others think their initiatives are the only ones that matter. Certainly give people a chance, but don’t misconstrue the perception of trust with being trustworthy.

8. Be thankful. Always.
8. 永远保持一颗感恩的心。

The good news about leadership is that it’s not determined by position, tenure, status or good looks. Rather, it is an actionable behavior personified through personal choice — a choice that enables rather than disables.

Make your choices count.