您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语阅读 > 英语阅读|英语阅读理解 正文 酷炫手镯 把你的前臂皮肤变成触屏 2014-12-18来源:和谐英语 From Apple’s forthcoming smartwatch to the Fitbit, there is fierce competition to get consumers hooked on wearable devices. 从苹果即将推出的智能表到Fitbit腕带,让消费者迷上可佩带式的设备可是场激烈的竞争。 And soon there will be a bracelet that turns your skin into a touchscreen using a tiny built-in projector. 马上就会有一款手镯,只使用一只小小的内置投影仪,就让你的皮肤秒变触屏。 Wearers of the of the Cicret bracelet will be able to check an email or watch a film that’s projected onto their forearm, and control the picture by using their skin like a touchscreen. Cicret手镯的佩戴者将能够在前臂投影的地方收邮件或是看电影,而且把皮肤当成触屏用,还可以操作图片。 A tiny projector in the bracelet will cast an image onto the skin then eight long-range proximity sensors will detect every swipe, tap and pinch. 手镯里的小小投影仪会把影像投到皮肤上,8个远程近距离传感器会探测到每一次滑动,敲击和捏放。 The bracelet will also contain a USB port and accelerometer as well as supporting Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. 手镯也会包含一个USB接口,加速器,还有蓝牙支持和WIFI。 While it will be made so it can sync with an iPhone, it's designed to be a stand-alone device. 虽然它这样做是为了和苹果同步,但是它的原始设计是想成为一个独立的装置。 A promotional video suggests that the bracelet will spring to life with the flick of a wrist and could be used to answer a phone call. 宣传视频揭示挥动手腕就可以启动手镯,而且能用来接电话。 Guillaume Pommier, who founded technology company Cicret with Pascal, his software developer father, told MailOnline: 'We plan to put a 3G card [in the bracelet] to allow calls.' 纪尧姆·波米耶和他的软件开发之父帕斯卡一同创立了Cicret技术公司,他告诉《每日邮报》:“我们计划在手镯里装上3G卡就可以打电话了。” He explained that the device may use a new technology that allows SIM details to be put into the hardware, instead of requiring its own SIM card. 他解释该设备也许要用到新科技让SIM里的细节资料放到硬盘里,而不是用自己的SIM卡。 It’s still in development, but a working prototype is due to be unveiled in a few weeks' time and Mr Pommier hopes that the bracelet could be on the shelves by June next year. 该产品还在开发中,但是产品原型由于已经在几周前于网上发布了,波米耶先生希望在明年6月,手镯可以上架。 It is likely to cost around £300 on its launch and will come in 16GB and 32GB models as well as a choice of 10 colours. 手镯的标价大概在300镑(3000人民币)左右,会有16G和32G两种,十个颜色可选。 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 暴躁的小伙伴就注定热血终生么 下一篇 饮食减肥法:改善三餐饮食懒人也能瘦 相关文章 阿尔卑斯山的雪变成了粉红色,这很危险宜家的环保计划:要在2030年前把碳足迹变成负科学家发明出可自动愈合的人造皮肤科学家发明出新的人造皮肤,竟能自动愈合新西兰的冰川变成了红色,发生了什么?印度尼西亚的天空变成了血红色,这状况也太可怕了吃糖显老?研究发现这些皮肤问题可能是吃糖惹的祸!让自己变成“乘数”多年后,我终于变成了最好的自己怎样洗澡不伤害皮肤?