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外媒看中国 上海跨年35人死于踩踏


At least 35 people have been killed in a stampede during the New Year's celebrations in Shanghai, which may have been caused by the crowd rushing to grab fake money thrown from the balcony of a building.


Xinhua News Agency cited the Shanghai's government in saying that at least another 42 people have been injured and have been taken to Shanghai General Hospital.


The deaths and injuries occurred in Chen Yi Square, in city's waterfront Bund area, which attracted 300,000 people last New Years Eve.


外媒看中国 上海跨年35人死于踩踏

South China Morning Post reporter George Chen posted to Twitter that the stampede occurred right before midnight.

《南华早报》的记者George Chen在午夜前的推特上PO出了踩踏现场。

'As a native of Shanghai, I believe this is the worst (very rare) stampede incident in Shanghai history in recent decades. Shock!!' he said via Twitter.
