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英国开设自拍课 教你拍出完美自己


With courses on David Beckham, Harry Potter and politicizing Beyoncé on offer at prestigious universities, it comes as no surprise that students are now able to learn the art of the perfect 'selfie'.


Budding photographers will be taught valuable life skills to prepare them to face an expectant world which could present a photo opportunity at any point as part of a new City Lit course in London.

伦敦著名在职教育机构City Lit开设了一门新课程,旨在为初级摄影师传授必要的生活技巧,以适应这个随时都需要拍照的社会。

As well as offering guidance on the most flattering angles and lighting, the course - officially called 'The art of self portraiture' – promises to 'improve your critical understanding' of the 'selfie'.


英国开设自拍课 教你拍出完美自己

The path to the perfect profile picture will cost you just £132 (£106 for seniors) – but potential students should be warned that it does not come with a free 'selfie' stick.


It is open to all, including those who have only 'engaged in self-portrait –even in the most casual way'.


But the 'selfie' enthusiasts must be prepared to share their snaps, as organizers said a critique of students' work would form an important role in the learning process.


Over four sessions, students will be taught to 'use light and significant detail' in their work and 'explain ideas of space, place and surrounding issues'.


There will be a brief exploration into the notions of 'identity, self-hood and memory' as well as the opportunity to 'develop new ideas to make your photography more relevant to your aims'.


It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO, aperture, shutter speed, white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera.


The 'selfie' phenomenon is so widespread that it was only a matter of time before courses started offering guidance on the most flattering angles and lighting.


Twitter declared 2014 as the year of the 'selfie' after Ellen DeGeneres' star-stuffed Oscar photo was retweeted more than three million times - a Twitter record.

而且,自从2014年奥斯卡颁奖典礼主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)发起的奥斯卡自拍照在著名社交平台Twitter上获得超过三百万的转发量(创下Twitter的转发纪录)后,Twitter更将2014年封为“自拍年”。

The trend became so popular that it even inspired a song, '#SELFIE' by The Chainsmokers, which racked up 267 million views on YouTube.

现在这股潮流越来越火,甚至为美国电子组合The Chainsmokers带来了创作灵感——名为《#SELFIE》的歌曲在著名视频分享网站YouTube上获得了2.67亿次点击量。