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Far fewer couples than expected have applied for permission to have a second child, a year after Beijing announced the relaxation of its one-child policy to encourage births in an ageing China.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission announced yesterday that “nearly 1m” couples had applied to have a second child after Beijing decided to allow families where either parent was an only child to bear two. The law had previously granted that concession to urban couples where both parents were only children.

The government said at the time that about 11m families would become eligible under the relaxed rules, which were implemented province by province from January last year. It estimated that 2m extra children would be born each year under the new policy. But even with nearly 1m couples applying to have a second child, demographic experts say not all will actually have one.


The commission told a press conference the number of applicants was “in line with expert estimation that there would be no more than 2m babies born per year under the new policy”.

He Yafu, an expert on the one-child policy, said: “The actual number of newborn second babies is even lower. I estimate it at 600,000 to 700,000, just one-third of the family planning commission’s estimate. This proves the policy relaxation will not spur rapid population growth and the demographic problem in China is continuing to worsen. We will see more proposals . . . this year to urge the government to banish the family planning policy.”

Opinion polls often show a willingness among parents to bear a second child, but this is often not matched by actual births, demographers say. The revised policy affects many parents in large urban centres, where the cost of bearing an extra child, in terms of both time and money, has become prohibitive.

Birth-planning laws already allow so many exceptions that many demographers consider it a misnomer to call it a “one-child” policy. China is facing a critical shortage of labourers caused by 30 years of restricting family size. In 2012 the working-age population of China shrank for the first time.