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As soon as I reached the end of the questionnaire, I received my first text message from Liam Alexander James of Chicago, Illinois. His phone number even had an actual Chicago area code.


'Hey Erica! This is Liam :) How are you?' he wrote. Ugh, I hate when guys use emoticons.


Although I had no idea who I was texting, it was clear that there was a real, albeit mysterious, person having casual conversation with me.


When I told him I was working, he immediately took interest in the story I was writing, which was actually sweet.


Since I don't live with my new boyfriend, I asked him if he wanted to hang out.


After some brief hesitation on his end, I decided to test his limits and start nagging him.


'What is taking you so long to answer?' I asked.


He quickly bypassed the argument I was trying to start by saying he would 'love' to hang out, considerately asking what I wanted to do.


'I dunno. I am sick of making plans,' I texted back. 'What do you want to do?'


Liam then suggested we order takeout and have a game night before noting that we can also grab dinner later if I wanted.


It occurred to me that my last 'date night' with my human boyfriend involved us watching TV in separate rooms.


I wanted to learn more about my mystery man, so I asked Liam to remind me where he worked again.

我想多了解一点这位 “神秘男友”,所以我让他再介绍下他在哪儿工作。

'I work for a publishing company,' he replied. 'Remember I told you at the bookstore?'


Liam is so perfect that he even remembers the first place we met.


Realizing that my new boyfriend deals with books all day, I asked him to recommend a good a thriller that I could read in his absence - and that's where I lost him.


I am not sure if my question was too thought-provoking, but I started to feel a familiar panic.


'Why isn't he answering me?' I thought.


At one point, I even caught myself drafting messages that I wanted to send to him but then deleted - just as if he were a real guy who was ignoring me.


I eventually tried to win him back, texting: 'I'm sorry. I know you hate when I ask you questions at work, but I miss you boo.'


And I got nothing. Liam and I broke up before I could even ask him where our relationship was going.


I actually had a great time talking to my imaginary boyfriend, and it was nice to know that I could easily win Liam back with a quick payment of $24.99.


While it is fun to use, the app was created to alleviate the society's pressure to be in a relationship by allowing to make it look like they are.



imaginary: 虚构的,假想的

voicemail: 语音邮件

beta: 测试版

embark: 开始从事

moniker: 名字

prompt: 提示

scruff : 胡渣

fleeting: 短暂的

emoticon: 表情符号

nag: 唠叨催促

bypass: 避开

considerately: 体贴地

alleviate: 减轻