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How many Keynesian economists does it takes to change a light bulb?
All of them. Because that will generate employment and therefore more consumption, shifting the aggregate demand to the right.
Do you know what economists call a lottery?
The Idiot Tax经济学家管彩票叫什么?傻瓜税。

Why did God create economists ?
In order to make weather forecasters look good.上帝为什么创造经济学家?为了让天气预报看起来不那么糟。
A physicist, a chemist, and an economist are stranded on a desert island without food or supplies. A can of beans washes up on the beach.
The physicist suggests that they improvise a machine to bash a hole in the can.
The chemist suggests that they find a combination of substances that will weaken the metal.
The economist says, "assume a can opener..."三个人困在没有食物和给养的荒岛上,他们分别是物理学家、化学家和经济学家。这时,一罐豆子冲上了沙滩。物理学家提议搭建一个机器在罐子上打洞。
An economist, a philosopher, a biologist, and an architect were arguing about what was God's real profession. The philosopher said, "Well, God is a philosopher, because he created the principles by which man is to live."
"Ridiculous!", said the biologist. "Before that, God created man and woman and all living things, so clearly he was a biologist."
"Wrong",said the architect. "Before that, he created the heavens and the Earth. Before the Earth, there was only confusion and chaos!"
"Well", said the economist,"where do you think the chaos came from?"经济学家、哲学家、生物学家和建筑师争论上帝的职业是什么。哲学家说:“上帝是哲学家,因为他创造了人们生活的准则。”