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美国国务院停电 新闻发布会靠手机照明


Power outages across the Washington area knocked out electricity at the U.S. State Department and briefly disrupted activities at the White House, the Capitol and the city’s tourist attractions.

The power failure Tuesday was caused by a dip in voltage because of a problem with a transmission line, the Pepco power company said in a Twitter posting.

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative said a Pepco transmission conductor at a SMECO switching station in Charles County, Maryland, broke free from its support and fell to the ground, interrupting supply to four stations. Electricity has been restored to its customers, the Maryland cooperative said.

美国国务院停电 <a href=http://www.hxen.net/englishnews/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>新闻</a>发布会靠手机照明

U.S. Homeland Security officials “do not currently see a nexus to terrorism or anything like that,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters. President Barack Obama wasn’t affected, and the effect on White House staff was “minimal,” Earnest said. He said he and Obama were in the Oval Office during the outage.

Power was restored at the State Department in phases. During the outage, hallways were lit only by light filtering in from the windows. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf completed her press briefing in the dark, reading from a binder by the light of her iPhone as reporters took notes with lighting from their mobile phones.