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A social media company catering to Germany's adult industry is creating a new position -- a sexual position.

Kaufmich.com -- which means "buy me" in German -- has just announced it is hiring a full-time "prostitute tester." A willingness to lie down on the job is a requirement, if you get our drift.

The man or woman chosen will review brothels in Germany, emphasizing service, cleanliness and compliance with safe sex practices. Doing this requires having sex with sex workers, according to Kaufmich.com's product manager, who only gave his name as "Ben" to CNBC.

德公司诚聘妓女测评师 真的

"Having a brothel in Germany is totally legal but so far there is not a quality system for them in place. We want to be the Tripadvisor for brothels," Ben told CNBC. "Clients on Kaufmich should be able to check the quality of brothels before there go -- like you check your hotel online before you book."

Besides scoring tips for carnal consumers, the ideal candidate “should enjoy having fun with people" and not be afraid of contact,” Newser reports.

Randy reviewers should also have a business degree, a full health certificate and an ability to be a cunning linguist when it comes to speaking French, according to Newsweek. Knowing the ins and outs of brothels would be a plus.

Ben said there have been 150 applicants so far, mostly from Germany but also Belgium, the Netherlands and Great Britain.

Kaufmich.com was founded in 2009 by three brothers seeking to improve Germany's sex industry by creating a market for independent prostitutes.

 “Our vision is to see sex work as an equal and fully accepted part of society,” Julius Dreyer, one of the brothers, said, according to News.com.au. "We believe that all kinds of problems arise from sex workers being isolated and judged.”
根据澳洲新闻网(News.com.au.)报道,“我们希望人们能够平等看待性工作,并且完全接受它作为我们社会的一部分。”三兄弟之一的朱利叶斯•德雷耶(Julius Dreyer)如是说道,“在我们看来,各种问题的出现源于人们带着有色眼镜看待性工作者,有意孤立性工作者。”


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