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A bizarre new dog grooming trend in Taiwan has dog owners giving their pet pooches square or round haircuts. Canine hairdressers all over Taipei are up to date on the special technique required for these eccentric makeovers.

“It came about because people were always looking for more impressive haircuts, and somebody came up with the idea of shaping the dog like a hedge,” parlour owner Tain Yeh says. It started with a few people opting for these haircuts and sharing their pets’ photographs online, after which the trend caught on. Thousands of pet owners are now approaching salons, asking for their dogs’ hair to be cut in geometric patterns. Some are actually doing it simply to gain more likes and shares!
“由于狗主人总想给自己的宠物做个特别的发型,就有人想出把狗狗修剪成这个样子,”狗主人田叶(Tain Yeh)说。最初,有些人把狗狗剪成这个样子,然后把照片发到网上,结果就形成了一阵风潮。现在成千上万的狗主人都跑到沙龙,要给他们家狗狗剪个几何发型。有的人这么做就仅仅是为了在社交网络上多得一些赞和转发。


Yeh says that the peculiar styles aren’t suitable for all breeds. “The dog needs to have plenty of hair to play around with so that you can shape it around the face and body,” he explained. He also added that these special haircuts need a lot more maintenance than regular ones.

The dogs, in their quirky haircuts, do look adorable, if somewhat a bit strange. The ones with perfectly round hairdos appear to be sporting an afro, while square-faced dogs look as though their head is squeezed into an invisible box. Most of the dogs don’t seem to mind the haircuts at all though – they sit through the entire process rather patiently, letting the hairdressers do their thing.
狗狗们剪了这种新奇的发型,尽管有点奇怪,但看起来确实很可爱。那些剪了正圆形发型的狗狗,看起来就像顶了个爆炸头,而方形脸的狗狗顶着这个发型就像把头塞 进一个看不见的盒子里一样。但大多数狗狗好像根本不介意什么发型——他们在美容的时候超有耐心的乖乖坐在那,让理发师任意打理。

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