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Gucci is shedding all signs of Frida Giannini, a process that’s been sped up thanks to this epic Gucci sale happening in China.

According to Business of Fashion, shoppers in China have been enjoying up to 50 percent off Gucci wares designed under Giannini’s direction. People have reportedly been lining up in front of the Italian label’s location at Shanghai’s International Finance Center in the wee hours of the morning to be first to pick up the coveted goods at discounted prices.
据网络杂志《BoF》(Business of Fashion)的报道,中国的消费者们正不亦乐乎的享受着贾娜妮设计的古奇商品5折促销。凌晨,上海国金中心的这家意大利奢侈品专卖店门口,人们排起了长龙,都想第一个以折后价买下垂涎已久的商品。


China recently decreased its import tariffs on clothes and shoes, presenting another incentive for shoppers to take advantage of the discounts. The sale seems to come at a great time for the label, which is trying to move into a new era under creative director Alessandro Michele.

“Bizzarri [Gucci’s CEO] is clearing inventory from the previous collection, as Gucci is looking forward to turning the page on Frida Giannini,” analyst Luca Solca told Business of Fashion. “Gucci needs a new direction and some correction — I consider this inevitable.”