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爆笑视频:智能声控电梯 有才组合花样整蛊


This is by far the coolest, most elaborate and well-executed elevator prank ever. Prepare to roll on the floor with laughter with this one.

Two extremely talented brothers imitating how other foreign languages sound like - Norwegian comedy duo Vegard and Bard who perform under the moniker of Ylvis - decided to prank guests at the Clarion Hotel in Norway. They told unsuspecting passengers in the hotel elevator that they were in fact traveling in an intelligent voice-activated elevator called the 'intelevator'. And thus began a series of hilarious incidents.

爆笑<a href=http://wwW.hxen.net/englishvideo/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>视频</a>:智能声控电梯 有才组合花样整蛊

Some passengers had to answer quiz questions to reach their floors as if they were on a game show; some passengers were bombarded with different languages; some were surprised with a photo shoot and exhibitions on floors that they didn't mean to go to; some were told to glide to unlock the elevator; one even got the 'Donald Duck mode.'

What is most funny about this prank, however, is the hilarious reactions. While some passengers were peeved, others were thoroughly amused and gladly continued on the fun ride.

What would you do if you were trapped in an “Intelevator”? The video makes for an amazing watch. So sit back and enjoy this prank.