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If you use a front-clasping bra, you're 'commanding'

People who purchase bras that fasten in the front are drivers who refuse to waste time, especially when it comes to trying to clasp a hook they can't see.

Drivers value brevity and efficiency, and they tend to be directing, forceful and commanding. Because they are quick to the point, they expect other people to do the same. Because they fear a lack of control, it is important for drivers to be in charge in all aspects of their lives.

Patty told Daily Mail Online that drivers prefer name-brands and superb quality, so they may be drawn to high-end end bras from lingerie companies such as La Perla and Agent Provacateur. Drivers are known to make smart, well-researched decisions, so when it comes to bra shopping the have a no-nonsense attitude.
帕蒂告诉《每日邮报》网(Daily Mail Online),驾驭者更喜欢名牌产品,追求品质,所以她们会被诸如拉佩拉(La Perla)、大内密探(Agent Provacateur)等内衣公司的高档内衣所吸引。驾驭者做决定之前喜欢仔细研究,他们的决定往往很明智,所以,在买内衣时,她们的态度也比较严肃。

If you clasp your bra before sliding it over your head, you're a 'careful corrector'

People with this personality type like to make sure they are doing things right from the get go. They are cautious analyzers by nature. Unlike drivers, they crave lengthy explanations and statistical evidence to back up whatever you are telling them.

snap: 扣子
lingerie: 女用内衣
no-nonsense: 高效干练;简单实用;直截了当
from the get go: 从最开始