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All Jurassic World mistakes

Continuity mistake: Just before the Indominus Rex ambush, in one shot the Asset Containment Unit trooper Meyers is equipped with a laser-rifle. In the next, she's equipped with a cattle prod. This happens at least 4 times.

Revealing mistake: When the two boys crawl out of the water onto the dirt bank after jumping from the cliff to escape the Indominus Rex, the ground beneath them moves as if there is some sort of carpet beneath the muddy ground.

Continuity mistake: The restricted zone where the original Jurassic Park was is to the north. After Indominus chases the kids to the waterfall, it is said in the control room that the huge dino is moving south to the crowds waiting for rides to reopen in the downtown section, drawn by the heat signatures of the gathered masses. A few scenes later, Indominus is up north again terrorizing the kids at the Jurassic Park jeep port.

Factual error: It is a physical impossibility for a woman (or anyone else) to sprint cross-country and engage in all manner of strenuous, panic-driven activity while wearing 4-inch high heels. But after scrambling for her life from I-Rex, velociraptors and pterodactyls for a full 40 minutes of screen time, Claire is still wearing 4-inch high heels when she releases the T-Rex.

Plot hole: Even if boys of that age had the technical know-how to quickly repair Jeeps over 20 years old (seriously?), any gasoline in the tank would have long become unusable, the tires and lines would have rotted away, and the electrics would all be dead. Now if it was in the desert or a dry garage, it may have survived, but it's on a tropical island, in a shed that has all sorts of holes in the roof, leaving it exposed to every kind of weather the island could throw at it.

Revealing mistake: Inside Jurassic World's main control room, Chris Pratt looks at a view screen depicting a paramilitary team tracking down the escaped I-Rex. In an homage to the film Aliens, the screen is complete with POV cam footage and heart rate monitors. Unfortunately, the FX team didn't catch the fact that all four people are shown having identical heart rates. Ridley Scott made the same mistake in Prometheus.
隐藏性错误:在侏罗纪世界主题公园的主监控室,克里斯·帕拉特看着一块屏幕,上面播放的是准军事小队追踪逃跑的暴虐霸王龙的画面。为了向电影《异形》(Aliens)致敬,屏幕上呈现了第一人称镜头片段和心率监视器。不幸的是,特效组并没有注意到屏幕上显示的四个人的心率完全相同这件事。雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)在电影《普罗米修斯》(Prometheus)中也犯了同样的错误。

Continuity mistake: When the brothers exit the lake they dove in, their wet hair styles change in every single angle, at least 5 times in 3 seconds.

Continuity mistake: When Owen is facing the three raptors on the street, he puts his rifle down on the ground, the shot changes to behind him and he is holding the rifle in his right hand again.

Revealing mistake: When Owen rescues a worker from the raptor paddock, having three raptors in front of him, the shadows of Owen and the raptors are in different directions.

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Hoskins first approaches the raptor cage, his watch shows approximately 2pm. After the rescue of the staff member who falls into the pit, the shot cuts back again to Hoskins and his watch shows 1pm.

Visible crew/equipment: In the back of the vet vehicle, when Gray holds out his hand, a crew member is reflected in the sliver air tank on the right.

Continuity mistake: Claire finds the cell phone with the broken screen, picks it up, and when she's about to put it down, the screen is fixed.

Audio problem: When they are standing at the top of the waterfall Owen talks to Clare from behind and his mouth isn't moving.

Continuity mistake: When the guy scrambles out of the raptor paddock the distance between him and the fence behind him varies between shots from close to far away.

Continuity mistake: After the Avians terrorize the center of the theme park there are dead animals everywhere, broken windows... Fast forward in the movie time just a few hours later and the main street looks brand new.

Factual error: In the airport scene, this is not Dane County Airport as shown, as they do not use letters for their gates (A, B and C shown). They use numbers (1-13) instead.
事实性错误:在一幕设在机场的场景中,画面呈现的戴恩县机场(Dane County Airport)并不是真的戴恩县机场,因为该机场并不用字母表示登机口(电影中使用了A、B、C),而是使用数字(1-13)来表示。

Factual error: A handler falls a good distance into the raptor paddock and lands on his back, but gets up as if nothing has happened.

Continuity mistake: After Claire shoots the Dimorphodon the sun changes between shots.













FX:特效(special effect的缩写)
