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A recent op-ed in The New York Times titled "The Futility of Couples Therapy" has sparked a lot of conversation. Maybe that's because we all know a couple who have tried therapy, or maybe we've even been that couple.


We also know that while some unions are strengthened through some time on a therapist's couch, others fail. The author of the op-ed, Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje, was in the former category: Her marriage survived. And yet, the very title of the article suggests that the years she and her husband spent in therapy don't deserve credit for the fact that she and her husband are still together.

我们也知道尽管通过一段时间的治疗一些夫妻关系加强了,也有另一些失败了。专栏的作家Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje属于前者,她的婚姻被挽救了。但是她的文章却写道,她和她丈夫花在治疗上的时间并不值得赞扬,因为他们还依旧在一起。


Fletcher Stoeltje isn't the only one with mixed feelings. There have been numerous other articles debating the efficacy of couples therapy, including this one from 2012, and this one from 2005, which states that 25 percent of couples were worse off two years post-therapy than they were when they started, and that 38 percent of couples had divorced four years post-therapy.

并不是只有Fletcher Stoeltje有着复杂的感情,有很多其他的文章争论着夫妻治疗的有效性。这篇2012年的写道25%的夫妻在治疗两年后情况变得更加糟糕,另一篇2005年的写道38%的夫妻在治疗四年后离婚。

What exactly is going on?One thing we know: Marriage itself is declining.


It's not yet known if marital therapy is becoming less common, but marriage itself certainly is. The rate of marriage has steadily decreased since the 1960s. Because of this, there has possibly been less therapy specifically for married couples and more of "a broad range" of therapy for couples in longer-term relationships.


Whether or not the relationship can be saved, an individual going through a tough time needs support, and therapy can provide that.


Therapy is not a guarantee that your relationship can be saved, but if you both have an equal interest in making progress, and you can afford it, then it's certainly worth a try. At the very least, if you're the interested party, going to see a therapist can potentially help you through whatever transition is happening in your relationship. 
