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From running to jumping and climbing trapezes in his spare time, there is not one physical activity Dash Meagher doesn’t like.

He is just three years old, but incredibly already possesses a six-pack.

‘I first noticed Dash had the beginnings of a six pack about six months ago when I was changing his nappy,’ the Canberra toddler’s mum Ursula told Daily Mail Australia.
'He’s too young to realise he has it of course, but he’s already incredibly muscly and just loves to exercise.’


'He’s outside every day, come rain or shine. I used to run with him in the pram when he was a baby, and as soon as he hit two, I took him out on what I thought would be a gentle jog. Dash ended up running four kilometres!’

Despite being the picture of health now, Dash Meagher, or @musclylittlemonster as he is known on Instagram, hasn’t always been so fit and healthy.
尽管现在达什·米格尔, 或 称@肌肉小猛男(Instagram上粉丝对他的称呼)看似处于健康的状态,但他并不是一直这么的健康。
‘Dash was an IVF baby and was expected to be two weeks early and smaller than average,’ says Ursula.

‘Instead he was two weeks late, ten pounds and continues to defy all the odds. He started walking at 10 and a half months, has been climbing from the beginning and does constant laps of the kitchen, climbing the coffee tables and kitchen sides – he has this constant energy! I’m truly blessed to have such a healthy little boy.'