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吓CRY!现实版仿生人 英女孩不痛不饿不睡觉


Olivia Farnsworth baffled doctors when she was hit by car and dragged down the street but walked away without shedding a tear.

The seven-year-old, who often goes up to three days and nights without sleeping, has a condition is described as chromosome 6 deletion.

Mother, Niki Trepak, 32, from Huddersfield, said the condition meant her daughter had 'no sense of danger.' The signs of Olivia's condition started when she was just a few months old.

吓CRY!现实版仿生人 英女孩不痛不饿不睡觉

She has a rare chromosome condition stopping her from feeling hunger, fatigue or pain. She barely eats, sleeps and doesn't feel pain leading doctors to dub her the 'bionic' girl.

Olivia never cried as a baby and stopped sleeping in the day from the age of nine months. The condition also meant her hair did not grow properly until she was four-years-old.

 'She's head-butted me, punched and kicked me and can have outbursts of swearing which can be embarrassing if we're out in public,' said Ms Trepak. Olivia now takes medication to sleep and is generally a happy child but can suffer from violent outbursts.