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If you're dreaming of a more satisfying occupation in 2016, look close to home. Friends and family may have suggestions, contacts, or offer an example of something that would pay and suit you better.

Or, it may be desirable to work from home part of the time and minimize the commute and running around. This year you could shape your work situation to better mesh with your home life.

If you're in a service or creative position that pleases you, why rock the boat? The Solar Eclipse in March will be a reality check for you if you have any doubts.

You could save more money this year, too, which always comes in handy. In May, you can consolidate holdings and gain more financial security. Be even more discerning in your money decisions, especially as the September Mercury retrograde approaches.

Any minor missteps or miscalculations are easily corrected in November and December, as Saturn keeps you cautious and well grounded. It's one productive year!

In 2016, there's a lot of celestial support for your career and money situation, Scorpio. Take things one step at a time, let situations fully define themselves, and then bend them to your will.
All four Mercury retrogrades are in Earth signs, to your advantage. Scorpio may be a Water sign, but your modern ruler Pluto is in Capricorn all year. Nothing can rock your world too much this year, and if you are tumbled out of a comfortable spot, you'll quickly find something better.
Be more in charge of your personal finances, too, especially in the last two months of the year. If you're not already careful about saving, you'll still be able to see the big financial picture while dealing with the details, deadlines, and dotted lines.
Simply being responsible will take you far in 2016 and into 2017, Scorpio!

In 2016 money and work opportunities want to find you, and you may be able to hold on to most of what you gain. Be patient, take a close look at any and all offers, and don't feel pressured to make quick decisions.
Money looks most abundant in the first two months, so save what you can. Otherwise, these could be "easy come, easy go" days. Happily, Pluto in Capricorn promotes solid financial decisions regardless of what pressures or sudden changes arise.
If exploring new work or expanding your current career, 2016 brings slow but steady progress. Have faith in your intuition when faced with a transfer, promotion, or job offer. A karmic contact could lead you to somewhere better, especially in August or September.
The Mercury retrograde in September encourages prudent work-related choices. Be modest in financial plans, including investments, and possibly see a big return in October or November when Jupiter brings you more luck and rewards.

2016 is a great year for money, Capricorn, but it's even greater for something else: personal satisfaction.
There are four Mercury retrogrades, all of them mostly in Earth signs. This means you can work to your heart's content (make sure your heart is part of the equation, here) and no one can rush you. Your work can be flawless, too.
Some rewards may be slow in coming, but that's no concern. It's the achievement in your career or reputation that matters first, and that will come right away. The money is not far behind.
Be praised, respected, and maybe promoted in the spring with Uranus in Aries encouraging you. In autumn, Mars will position you to possibly take charge, or work more effectively on a larger group project. You can do it all in 2016!

Think big, feel big, plan big, and act big in 2016, Pisces. Small things can be done in a big way and then shine with perfection and success, especially in October. This is the kind of work that you can do throughout 2016.

Self-confidence is the key. Most of what you want to do and accomplish is unselfish and intended for the benefit of all, so don't sell yourself short on anything. A Solar Eclipse in March could open a career opportunity for you and you can do things this year than no other sign can.

If business partners or co-workers get emotional on you in July, you can empathize and smooth the waters. Keep some emotional distance and spare yourself a dip in the whirlpool of confusion. In fact, you'll look like the hero you are.

October, November, and December are high-energy times when Jupiter... then Mars... then Saturn are all supporting you. Make the most of it all!

You have a great advantage in 2016, Aquarius, in that no one can outguess or out-think you.
Total integrity and sound results are all-important to you. Your motives and efforts are above question. Mars and Saturn near the top of your 2016 chart will keep you busy and successful.
If it's not lightning-fast progress, it will be solid and steady. Give finances and your spending extra attention in April and May, and avoid any rude surprises down the road.
In August and into early September, Jupiter in Virgo may bring you people who ask for the random but not-so-small favor. Look at the people and situation realistically, and do what makes sense. Acts of generosity now can bring you future benefits.
November and December go out with a flashy bang of opportunity, challenge, and success in the workplace. Stand your ground, be proud of your achievements, do your best, and move ahead!