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Jennifer Lawrence is the highest-earning actor or actress to earn an Oscar nomination in this year’s awards, according to Forbes’s magazine. The magazine, which publishes an annual list of the top-earning male and female actors, lists Lawrence as the world’s highest-earning actress, after she netted $52 million before tax last year.

Lawrence is the only Best Actress or Supporting Actress nominee to appear on Forbes’s list: none of the other nominees’ 2014-15 earnings met their $6m mimimum for inclusion. In fact, she made more money last year than all her fellow Best Actress nominees put together.


As Forbes point out, if Lawrence wins the award, it will be first time that an actress has won an Oscar in the same year as becoming the world’s highest paid, though former list-topper Sandra Bullock came close in 2014, when she was nominated for a Best Actress award for her role in Gravity.

Nonetheless, it seems that awards do matter more financially to women than to men; a closer look at the figures suggests that actresses may be expected to have won a major award before they can break into a higher pay bracket. While overall pay for women is lower, the highest-earners are more likely to have an Oscar than not to have one: eight out of the top 15 highest-paid actresses have won Academy Awards.

But for men the reverse is true: none of the top 15 highest-earning male actors has ever won an Oscar. Even accounting for the presence of three Bollywood stars on the list (Bollywood films are rarely major Oscar contenders), the gap is still surprising.

It looks likely that Leonardo DiCaprio (ranked at number 13) will be the first among them to snag a trophy. DiCaprio is the highest-earning male acting nominee at this year’s Oscars, but still earns far less than Lawrence’s $52 milllion, pocketing a paltry $29 million in 2014-15.

In October, Lawrence criticised Hollywood’s gender pay-gap in an essay on Lena Dunham’s website, in which she suggested that female actors still have “a lingering habit of trying to express our opinions in a certain way that doesn’t ‘offend’ or ‘scare’ men,” and are reluctant to negotiate for higher wages as a result.

“Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale, and Bradley Cooper all fought and succeeded in negotiating powerful deals for themselves,” she wrote. “If anything, I’m sure they were commended for being fierce and tactical, while I was busy worrying about coming across as a brat and not getting my fair share.”

The 10 highest-earning male actors, 2014-15

1. Robert Downey Jr ($80 million) 小罗伯特·唐尼(8000万美元)

2. Jackie Chan ($50 million) 成龙(5000万美元)

3. Vin Diesel ($47 million) 范·迪塞尔(4700万美元)

4. Bradley Cooper ($41.5 million) 布莱德利·库珀(4150万美元)

5. Adam Sandler ($41 million) 亚当·桑德勒(4100万美元)

6. Tom Cruise ($40 million) 汤姆·克鲁斯(4000万美元)

7. Amitabh Bachchan ($33.5 million) 阿米特巴·巴强(3350万美元)

8. Salman Kahn ($33.5 million) 萨尔曼·卡恩(3350万美元)

9. Ashkay Kumar ($32.5 million) 阿什凯·库马尔(3250万美元)

10. Mark Wahlberg ($32 million) 马克·沃尔伯格(3200万美元)

The 10 highest-earning female actors, 2014-15

1. Jennifer Lawrence ($52 million) 詹妮弗·劳伦斯(5200万美元)

2. Scarlett Johansson ($35 million) 斯嘉丽·约翰逊(3500万美元)

3. Melissa McCarthy ($23 million) 梅丽莎·麦卡西(2300万美元)

4. Bingbing Fan ($21 million) 范冰冰(2100万美元)

5. Jennifer Aniston ($16.5 million) 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(1650万美元)

6. Julia Roberts ($16 million) 茱莉亚·罗伯茨(1600万美元)

7. Angelina Jolie ($15 million) 安吉丽娜·朱莉(1500万美元)

8. Reese Witherspoon ($15 million) 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(1500万美元)

9. Anne Hathaway ($12 million) 安妮·海瑟薇(1200万美元)

10. Kristen Stewart ($12 million) 克里斯丁·斯图尔特(1200万美元)