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5. You Feel Sleepy During the Day Because You Didn’t Get Enough Sleep 5. 白天犯困说明没睡够

One night of bad sleep—or no sleep—can definitely make you feel awful the next day, but if you’re consistently tired or feel sleepy during the day, sleep might not be the issue. Your diet, stress, or an underlying medical problem could be the cause. Even allergies or the medications you’re taking could zap your energy. Consider your sleep quality, of course, but also look into other possible causes.

4. Power Naps Will Make You Feel Refreshed
4. 打个高质量的盹可恢复元气

Naps are awesome, but they’re not all equally restorative. Depending on how long you nap, you might end up feeling groggy when you wake up. Aim for about 20 minutes if you want a boost in energy and mental alertness.

3. You’re Either a Morning Person or a Night Owl (and Morning People Are More Productive)
3. 你要么是个早起的鸟儿,要么是个夜猫子(且早起的人效率更高)

Most people think of themselves as either morning “larks” or night owls, but there’s more to sleep cycles than that. People have different energetic times during the day that aren’t necessarily tied to our preference for sleeping late or getting up early. And you know that saying “the early bird gets the worm”? While our society—the workplace and school systems—seem to reward morning people, night owls can be just as productive and creative as their counterparts. In fact, doctors say schools should start later in the day for the health of students, who aren’t getting enough sleep. (I’d be up for later workday start times too.)

2. You Can Catch Up on Sleep on Weekends
2. 周末可以补觉

When we lose sleep during the week, we accumulate a kind of sleep “debt.” Think you can pay that debt back by sleeping in on Saturday and/or Sunday? Not so fast. This might actually make you sleepier the next week. Instead of waking up later on the weekends, you’re better off going to sleep earlier or perhaps taking a nap in the afternoon.

1. Snoozing Buys You Sleep Time
1. 小睡会增加睡眠时间

Finally, this might be painful to admit, but snoozing your alarm will only make you feel worse. It doesn’t give you more time to finish sleeping but instead jolts you out of an even deeper part of your sleep cycle after you’ve dozed off between snoozes. And then you’re a zombie for the rest of the day. So stop snoozing and drag yourself out of bed. You’ll have a better day and perhaps sleep better at night.


insomnia: 失眠
zap: 攻击;打败
groggy: 昏昏沉沉的
jolt: 使摇晃;使震惊