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科学家受科幻电影启发 研发情感探测器


No more second guessing! Blade Runner-style 'emotion detector' could reveal if a person REALLY finds you attractive on a first date

First dates can be a nerve-wracking experience, filled with unease and uncertainty over whether or not the other person is interested. But new technology that could help clear up at least some of the mystery surrounding such dates might be on its way.

An 'emotion detector' has been created which researchers claim will be able to tell whether or not a person finds you attractive almost instantly.

科学家受科幻电影启发 研发情感探测器

Researchers at the University of Lancaster were inspired to make the device by a gadget featured in the 1982 sci-fi fantasy film 'Blade Runner'. Replicating the Voight-Kampff machine, a fictional interrogation tool, the research team created a device that mimics this emotion-detector.

The polygraph-like Voight-Kampff machine was used by a police force in the film, to determine if an individual was a biorobotic android, detected using a test to provoke emotional responses. It measured body functions like blush response, respiration, heart rate and eye movement in response to questions dealing with empathy.

The team's fictional speculative device is set against an online dating backdrop and is designed, in theory, to determine how the first interaction is going. The machine clips onto the bottom of a smartphone or tablet.

This machine looks and feels very real and has even prompted a film-making company in the States to request filming us manufacturing the device,' said Professor Coulton, the expert and head of the research team. 'But this is actually a tool for creating some pretty serious discussions.'

Design fiction involves speculative design which heralds what might come about in the future world of human computer interaction, said Professor Coulton.
科尔顿教授解释说,所谓的Design fiction,是一种推测性设计方法,它主要用来预测人机交互的未来可能会发生什么。

'The factor that differentiates and distinguishes design fiction from other approaches is its novel use of "world building". As an example, we built this world in which rules for detecting empathy will become a major component of future communications. We take inspiration from the sci-fi film "Blade Runner" to consider what a plausible world, in which it is useful to build a Voight-Kampff machine, might be like.'

'People are working towards this kind of thing,' he added. 'What we are doing is questioning whether it has a place in our society - what kind of uses they have and what the world would actually be like with them. We want people to think about the ethical implications of what we do. Technically a lot of this is possible but is it actually what we want?'