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英国脱欧已成定局 将对12方面产生重大影响


The UK has voted by 52% to 48% to leave the European Union after 43 years in an historic referendum, a BBC forecast suggests.


The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the markets reacted to the results.


英国脱欧已成定局 将对12方面产生重大影响

The referendum turnout was 71.8% - with more than 30 million people voting - the highest turnout since 1992.


Britain would be the first country to leave the EU since its formation - but a leave vote will not immediately mean Britain ceases to be a member of the 28-nation bloc. 


That process could take a minimum of two years, with Leave campaigners suggesting during the referendum campaign that it should not be completed until 2020 - the date of the next scheduled general election.


The Leave campaign argued during a bitter four-month referendum campaign that the only way Britain could "take back control" of its own affairs would be to leave the EU.
