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全民自拍狂?群众齐刷刷背对希拉里自拍 令人瞠目


It's a picture which perfectly captures our obsession with the selfie.

Taken at an Orlando campaign event, it shows Hillary Clinton smiling and waving at a crowd who have their back turned on her. In each of her supporters' hands is a camera ready to snap the perfect selfie with the presidential candidate.

The photo has already been retweeted more than 20,000 times since it was posted to Twitter by a campaign staffer on Sunday.

全民自拍狂?群众齐刷刷背对希拉里自拍 令人瞠目

The striking difference can be seen in a campaign photo from 2008 where the crowd is seen reaching out to Clinton, wanting a handshake, an autograph or a photo of the Democrat.

In Sunday's shot, the crowd was turned away, leaving Hillary a lonely figure, stood on a pedestal and separated by a railing. Everyone in crowd wanted a picture, but they wanted to make sure they were in it too.

People have been quick to respond on social media, some complaining it summed up the 'narcissistic' generation while others denounced it as 'hilariously sad.'

Yet Clinton has been quick to embrace the selfie culture, posing for pictures with fans and celebrities alike.

She had previously talked about the impact it has had on campaigning.

'It used to be, you know, when I campaigned, not just for my husband, but for other people as well, and even back in the '08 campaign, you would finish an event and you would shake hands,' she told Ellen DeGeneres.

She said supporters no longer wanted a handshake, or even to share their personal stories. Today, it is all about the selfie.

In this case, Clinton suggested the idea of the group selfie herself, telling the crowd that anyone who wanted the picture to 'turn around right now.'

Of course, Clinton isn't the only presidential candidate to get it on the selfie trend.

Republican rival Donald Trump has also embraced the phenomenon, and has been pictured posing with his supporters at various events.

But Clinton is miles ahead in the selfie stakes, having posed for pictures with the likes of Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian and Jimmy Kimmel.