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美大选惊魂之夜特朗普逆袭 看世界媒体作何反应


The world reacted with shock, awe and no small measure of disbelief early Wednesday as the US electoral map began to tilt toward Donald Trump, who has promised sweeping changes to American policy. 


"IT'S A TRUMP-QUAKE," blared the website of the Daily Mail, which said the electoral results had "confounded all the experts." 


美大选惊魂之夜特朗普逆袭 看世界媒体作何反应

Other foreign media houses were more circumspect, exercising caution until all the votes had been counted. "Contest down to the wire after months of acrimony," read the Times of London's lead headline. 


In Mexico, media outlets were focused on a sharp drop in the value of the peso to an all-time low. "Dollar breaks barrier," read the lead headline on El Sol de Mexico, a leading newspaper in the nation's capital. 


The Manila Bulletin, a newspaper in the Philippines, filled its website's "latest news" section with US election dispatches. "Trump within reach of shock White House win," read one wire service story featured by the paper's editors. 


Indian news anchor Rajdeep Sardesai called it the "election to beat all elections" and a "miracle." 


In Europe, many newspapers were even more direct: "United States fears total paralysis," said a headline in Spain's El Pais. 


The Economist, a British publication that often trumpets its fondness for the US, described Tuesday evening as "Fright night." Prior to Election Day, it had published a strident editorial that warned Americans against voting for Trump. 


"His experience, temperament and character make him horribly unsuited to being the head of state of the nation that the rest of the democratic world looks to for leadership," it said. 
