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Last summer, FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqué and his pop star partner Shakira organised a dinner in San Francisco. 

去年夏天,巴塞罗纳足球俱乐部(FC Barcelona,简称:巴萨)球员杰拉德.皮克(Gerard Piqué)和其流行歌手女友夏奇拉(Shakira)在旧金山组织了一次宴会。 

Attendees included the football club’s new president Josep Maria Bartomeu and an unlikely friend of Piqué’s, Hiroshi Mikitani, the founder of Rakuten, Japan’s largest internet retailer by sales. 

与会者包括巴萨新任主席何塞普.马里亚.巴托梅乌(Josep Maria Bartomeu),以及一个本不太可能是皮克朋友的人——以销售额计日本最大互联网零售商乐天(Rakuten)的创始人三木谷浩史(Hiroshi Mikitani)。 

Mr Mikitani spent the evening talking to Mr Bartomeu about the sport he loves. 



But he ended the dinner with a business proposal: Rakuten should become Barcelona’s new shirt sponsor.


On Wednesday, he got his wish as Rakuten inked a deal with Barcelona worth at least EURO220m, sealing one of the world’s largest football shirt sponsorships in the latest display of how the value of commercial deals for top-tier clubs continues to rise. 


Speaking to the Financial Times, Mr Mikitani insists that the deal is not just about the vanity of seeing his company’s logo emblazoned across the chests of the world’s best players, such as Lionel Messi and Neymar. 

在接受英国《金融时报》采访时,三木谷坚称,签订该协议不仅仅为了满足看到自己公司标识出现在莱昂内尔.梅西(Lionel Messi)和内马尔(Neymar)等全球最佳球员胸前的虚荣心。 

The deal with one of Europe’s most successful football teams is a chance for Rakuten to gain recognition outside Japan where it is already a household name. 


Not so many people know about Rakuten, to be very honest, he says. 


This is our first step to globalise our brand, which is going to be very important for our future strategy. 


Mr Mikitani founded Rakuten in 1997 and has built it into a company known as Japan’s Amazon. 


It operates the country’s biggest online marketplace for 44,300 small businesses that sells everything from books and cars to electronics. 


The ecommerce group, which is worth $15.6bn, also offers property and electricity services and is an active investor in early-phase technology start-ups. 


Just putting our brand in front of many, many eyeballs is itself very, very valuable, he says.


But partnering with Barcelona, demonstrating what we do, will help synchronising our brand. 


It will make this partnership much more valuable than what we are paying. 


The Catalan club and the Japanese company have signed a four-season deal, with an option to extend to a fifth, worth EURO55m a year. 
