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效仿赫敏的丢书大作战 为何在中国遇尴尬?


Inspired by Harry Potter star Emma Watson, a Chinese firm launched a large-scale book-sharing campaign last week. But instead of winning praise, the innocuous campaign has drawn ridicule from netizens.

The media-savvy organisers have placed more than 10,000 books around the underground, taxis and planes in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The campaign will soon expand into other cities.

效仿赫敏的丢书大作战 为何在中国遇尴尬?

Some books were left untouched because passengers thought they had been left there by people wanting to save the seats; some books were taken away by cleaners; people also complained that they couldn't get to the books because the carriages were too crowded.

Shanghai Metro has urged passengers not to participate during peak hours, saying that the campaign could affect commuters. Guangzhou Metro also said it might also disrupt public order.

But many social media users took issue with the motives of the book-sharing drive itself, criticising it as an eye-grabbing marketing event that did little to encourage reading.

Some social media users pointed out that Watson has studied at Brown University and Oxford University; she is an avid reader that has her own feminist book club. But Chinese celebrities endorsing the campaign didn't seem to be reading much.

Even though Chinese society values education, Chinese people had a target-oriented attitude towards reading. It is not seen as something to be enjoyed, or something that serves a higher purpose.

The co-founder of the campaign didn't seem bothered by the flurry of criticism and said they had not received any money from the publishers, but admitted that it brought a lot of good publicity to the one-year-old company.