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The new head of Ant Financial’s international operations hopes to one day offer its Alipay ewallet services to European consumers, after signing deals on Tuesday with four financial groups that will allow its 450m Chinese customers to pay for more goods in the region. 

蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)国际业务新任主管表示,希望有一天能够为欧洲消费者提供其支付宝(Alipay)电子钱包服务。他在周二与四家金融集团签署了协议,令蚂蚁金服的4.5亿中国客户能够在欧洲为更多商品付款。 

“120m Chinese travellers went abroad in 2015 and that’s growing at 18 per cent a year. The vast majority of whom use Alipay,” Doug Feagin told the Financial Times after signing deals with BNP Paribas in France, Barclays in the UK, UniCredit in Italy and SIX Group in Switzerland. 

在与法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)、英国巴克莱银行(Barclays)、意大利裕信银行(UniCredit)及瑞士证券交易所集团(SIX Group)签署协议之后,道格拉斯.费根(Douglas Feagin)向英国《金融时报》表示:“2015年中国出境游客有1.2亿,而且该数字一年增长18%。这些人绝大多数是支付宝用户。” 


“The first part of our international mission is enabling them to buy things with Alipay,” Mr Feagin said. 


Alipay, owned by Ant Financial, the payments affiliate of China’s Alibaba ecommerce group, will now be able to offer its customers the ability to use its popular ewallet to pay for goods at more than 930,000 merchants across Europe.


Mr Feagin said the group was rapidly adding to its banking and retail partnerships in Europe and the US, where it is already working with payment providers such as Ingenico, First Data, Worldpay and Verifone. The company has also signed a deal with Uber to allow its Chinese customers to pay using Alipay globally. 

费根表示,该集团正在迅速增加在欧美的银行业和零售业合作伙伴。该集团在美国已经与Ingenico、First Data、Worldpay和Verifone等支付服务提供商开展合作。此外,该公司还与优步(Uber)签署协议,以允许其中国客户在全球用支付宝付款。 

Alipay processes about 250m transactions a day and supports more than 2m Chinese retail businesses. The obvious next step is to offer its payment services to international consumers, rather than simply to Chinese travellers and expats. 


“We want to expand the user base into different markets and are evaluating how to do that,” said Mr Feagin. “In some markets we think we can do that organically by offering the Alipay app, but in others we are doing it through partnerships.” 
