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报告显示 每7.4秒就有一位女性被家暴


According to a recent survey of married couples by the state-run All China Women's Federation, 30 percent of married women have experienced some form of domestic violence.

That means on average, a Chinese woman somewhere suffers domestic abuse every 7.4 seconds.

The organization says it can also lead to further social problems: 40 percent of female homicide cases are related to domestic violence, with some 94 thousand women killing themselves each year.

报告显示 每7.4秒就有一位女性被家暴

November 25 is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. United Nations figures show roughly one-third of women worldwide have been hit by their partners, and in Asia only 20 percent of them seek help.

Shocking incidents of violence and tragic stories hit the headlines all too regularly, prompting some to wonder whether it's time to change the Chinese traditional mentality of "Don't wash your dirty linen in public" when it comes to women talking publicly about, and reporting cases of domestic violence.

This March, China passed its first-ever national law against domestic violence.

Under the new law, domestic violence is no longer considered a "family matter." It's now a legal issue that demands action from the courts and the police.

The new law contains some strict measures to counter domestic violence. For instance, police can issue written warnings, or in severe cases victims can apply for protection orders from the local courts.

In addition, the authorities are required to directly intervene in suspected cases involving those with no or limited capacity, namely minors, seniors, and people with disabilities or critical illnesses.

While the new law marks a crucial turning point in addressing domestic violence in China, social workers say there is still a long journey ahead.