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Brexit may mean Brexit to Theresa May, but the Oxford English Dictionary has come to the aid of those who wish for a less opaque definition. The word is among 1,500 new words added to the dictionary this week.

Fiona McPherson, senior editor on the OED said:" the word had been one of the fastest to move from coinage to definition and listing".

牛津<a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>英语</a>词典又收了一大波新词!你都认识吗

YouTubers, defined as frequent user of the video-sharing website YouTube, especially someone who produces and appears in videos on the site is included in the dictionary for the first time.

Singer Beyonce had a hand in the listing of Bama, originally a 1920s abbreviation of the US state of Alabama. It evolved to become slang for a person from the rural American south, but was reclaimed this year by the singer in Formation, a track from her latest album Lemonade.

Leading the way for Baby Boomers is glam-ma: a glamorous grandmother, especially one who is comparatively young or fashion-conscious.
抢了Baby Boomer(婴儿潮时代出生的人)风头的是glam-ma(时尚奶奶):指风韵犹存的高龄女性,尤指相对年轻、有时尚气息的老奶奶。

Words are admitted to the OED, McPherson said, according to their usage.

"Once a word goes in, it doesn"t come out. We have to have examples of it having passed into common usage or within a specialist area."