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Scientists at the University of East Finland followed more than 2,000 middle-aged men for 20 years to find out what factors influenced how many developed cognitive problems in later life. 


They found that those who used the sauna between four and seven times a week were 66 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with dementia during the study period compared with those taking a sauna just once a week or less. 



It is the first time that anyone has found a link between sauna use and dementia although previous studies have shown that regular use reduces the risk of dying from all causes and seems to improve heart health. 


Professor Jari Laukkaben, the study leader, said that sauna bathing may protect both the heart and memory in similar ways

领导此项研究的Jari Laukkaben表示,蒸桑拿对心脏和记忆力的保护机制可能是类似的。

“It is known that cardiovascular health affects the brain as well,” he said. "The sense of well-being and relaxation experience during sauna-bathing may also play a role."


Dementia charities said saunas might work by reducing blood pressure and improving circulation.


Dr Clare Walton, Research Manager at the Alzheimer’s Society said: “With dementia now the biggest killer across England and Wales, finding ways to reduce the risk of developing the condition is a top priority

阿尔茨海默病协会的研究主管Clare Walton博士说:“痴呆症现在是英格兰和威尔士的头号杀手,想办法降低这种疾病的发病率是重中之重。”

“Saunas are thought to improve circulation and reduce blood pressure, both of which could go some way to reducing your risk of getting dementia.


“Currently the best evidence to reduce the risk of dementia is to exercise regularly, eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid smoking.


Dr Rosa Sancho, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, added: “Although sauna bathing isn’t a common hobby for men in the UK, this study suggests men who use saunas several times a week may also have a lower dementia risk.

英国阿尔茨海默病研究所的研究主管的Rosa Sancho博士还说,“尽管并非所有英国男子都爱洗桑拿,但这项研究还是建议人们一周多洗几次桑拿,以降低患痴呆症的风险。“

“These kinds of studies can’t unpick cause and effect, but they are important for highlighting trends in how lifestyle factors may influence our risk of dementia for more detailed follow-up.
