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4. The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
《芒果街上的小屋》 桑德拉·希斯内罗丝着


The great thing about "The House On Mango Street" is that it's an interesting read. It's written from the point of view of the writer. You can really feel what the protagonist (the main character) feels. The sentences are really short so it's also easy to understand. There are a few challenging words and a little bit of descriptive language, but you can usually understand them with the context. Another great thing about this book is that it gives you a deep understanding of a different culture.


This book follows the life of Esperanza, a Mexican girl. Esperanza moves into a new home on Mango Street. Their new house is old and small. In the new home, Esperanza feels like she has no time to be alone. She promises herself that one day she will leave and have her own home. Throughout the novel the young girl grows up a lot. The story follows her life as she makes friends, her body changes and she begins to have feelings for a boy. There is a lot of focus on other women in the community and Esperanza hopes never to be like them. Through watching the older women and how they are stuck, she knows that she wants to leave.

5. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
《13个理由》 杰·艾雪着


This story takes place in the present, which means the writer writes using simple grammar. All sentences are short and the vocabulary is relatively easy. The interesting grammar and short paragraphs make this a quick and easy book for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. This is an award-winning book and on the New York Times best books list, so it's worth a read.


The main character is Clay Jensen, a quiet high school student. He comes home from school to find a parcel at his front door. He does not know who sent it. He opens it and discovers 7 cassette tapes. These tapes are from Hannah Baker, his previous classmate. She had emotional problems and has committed suicide (killed herself). The tapes came with instructions. The paper stated that they should pass the tapes from one student to another student. There are 12 people in total. In the paper, she explains to these people that they helped her die – she gives them 13 reasons. We hear about her pain. She talks about her first kiss, people who lied to her and stole from her. Everything started with gossip. The gossip then grew and became out of control.

6. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
《彼得·潘》 J·M·巴利着


Almost everyone knows the story of "Peter Pan" which is why this is an easy read. Being familiar with a story already helps the reader to understand the text better. This book is aimed at children, but it continues to be enjoyed by adults around the world too.


Peter invites Wendy to return to Neverland with him. Wendy asks for her brothers Michael and John to join them. They have a magical flight as they travel to Neverland and have many adventures along the way. After all their adventures and fun, Wendy decides that her place is at home with their mother. But Peter doesn't want her to go. Instead he tries to trick her. He tells her that their mother doesn't want them anymore. However, he understands how sad their mother must be. In the end, he decides to let them go home.

7. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway
《老人与海》 欧内斯特·海明威着


This is a famous classic. Almost all native English speakers will have read this book at some point in school. So, if you ever find yourself in a conversation about literature and books, this is a good one to talk about. It has a little bit of difficult vocabulary, however, it is short and you won't have too much trouble being able to finish it.


This is a story of a long fight between an old, experienced fisherman and the best fish he ever caught. Santiago has returned to the village without any fish for 84 days. On the eighty-fifth day, his luck changes and so does his life. At 12 pm, a huge fish takes the bait. The man tries to pull the fish up, but the fish is too big and strong. Instead, the fish begins to pull the boat. The old man continues to fight and hold on to the line. The fish pulls the boat around the sea for two days.

On the third day, the fish gets tired. Santiago is able to pull the fish closer and kill it. It's the biggest fish he has seen in his life. He begins to sail back to the village, but the blood of the fish attracts sharks. The boat is attacked by a Mako shark, but Santiago is able to kill it. He kills most of the sharks, but there is a problem. They have eaten the meat of the fish and now only the skeleton is left. He returns back to his home and falls asleep.