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研究表明 英国男性找兼职时会遭遇歧视


Employers in the UK are failing to adapt to societal changes and are still conforming to antiquated gender stereotypes when it comes to hiring men for part-time work.

According to research conducted by the University of Plymouth published last Wednesday, fathers are facing what the academics call "forfeits" when applying for part-time employment, and are often met with questions over their commitment to their careers.

研究表明 英国男性找兼职时会遭遇歧视

That's in sharp contrast to women who regularly receive praise for their dedication to proactively seeking a work-life balance, the research shows.

"In the UK, traditional patterns of employment and parenting are in decline, and the stereotype of fathers going to work while mothers raise a family are increasingly diminishing," says Jasmine Kelland, a lecturer in human resource management within Plymouth's Graduate School of Management, who led the research.

She says that we are seeing an increasing number of fathers working fewer hours to accommodate family life, while mothers are more frequently working full-time.

"In the context of these societal changes, a shift in the attitudes of employers is also required so that workers are treated fairly on the basis of their skill set rather than their familial choices."