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追求性别平等 澳大利亚引入女版红绿灯


Replacing male figures in pedestrian crossing lights with women is a step towards gender equality and will "reduce unconscious bias", an Australian lobby group said, as Melbourne rolled out a trial scheme recently.

Ten lights at the intersection of Swanston and Flinders streets in the center of Melbourne will be fitted out with female figures as part of a 12-month trial spearheaded by the Committee of Melbourne.

The not-for-profit organization is striving for equal representation of men and women at all crossings across the state of Victoria with its Equal Crossing initiative.

追求性别平等 澳大利亚引入女版红绿灯

The initiative came at no cost to taxpayers - a spokeswoman specified that a local electrical company absorbed the cost as part of its sponsorship.

But response to the scheme has been mixed, with some criticizing it as lip service towards gender equality.

The lord mayor, Robert Doyle, was not impressed by the initiative.

"I'm all for doing anything we can for gender equity, but really?" he was quoted as saying by the Herald Sun. "Unfortunately, I think this sort of costly exercise is more likely to bring derision."